User's Guide

Dexcom G6 System User Guide
Chapter 7: Calibrate
7.5 Calibrate Without Prompts
There are times when you may want to calibrate to align your G6 readings to your
meter even if you entered a sensor code. Make sure you use good fingerstick technique
to get a good meter result by following the steps in 7.3.
You may choose to calibrate when your symptoms don’t match your G6 readings. For
example, your G6 reading is 120 mg/dL. At that glucose level, you expect to feel fine,
but instead you are shaking and sweating. You feel as though your glucose is much
Pay attention to how you feel. If you feel low and your CGM tells you differently,
thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Dry them. Then use your meter to
confirm your glucose level. If your meter matches your symptoms, go ahead and treat
based on the meter value. Then, if you want, calibrate to align your sensor with your
meter. You don't have to calibrate, but you can.
7.6 Check In With Jake and Kelly
Meet Jake and Kelly! They each manage their diabetes with a G6 and are happy to
share their insights with you. When you see their pictures in this User Guide, check in
with them and find out how they use their G6s in day-to-day life.
First, a little background information: Jake is an adult. He manages his diabetes on his
own, using his G6 and pens. Kelly, on the other hand, is a child. She and her parents
work together to manage her diabetes using her G6 and a pump. Do either of these
situations sound like yours?
Lets check in with Jake and Kelly to see what they do when their symptoms don’t
match their CGM information.
Hi – Jake here! I’m feeling pretty woozy – a pretty sure sign I’m low – but my CGM
shows me at 100 and my trend arrow steady.
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