User's Guide

Dexcom G6 System User Guide
Chapter 9: Events
Chapter 9 | Events
9.1 Introduction
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to enter events, including insulin doses and carbs. You
can track events to see how your actions or circumstances affect your glucose levels.
After this chapter, you’ll be able to:
Define an event
Describe each type of event
Add events to the app and receiver
9.2 Events Overview
Did you take a walk after lunch today? Are you feeling stressed? How much insulin did
you take for your dinner meal? These are all events that can change your blood sugar.
An event is an action or situation that affects your glucose levels. With the Dexcom G6
Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (G6), you can track your daily events so you
can reflect on their effect on your glucose trends. Once entered into the app, or once
you upload your receiver data, events can be viewed in Dexcom reports. The reports
help you review how each event influenced your glucose trends. You can use the
reports with your HCP to create a plan to manage your diabetes.
Types of Events
Your G6 lets you keep track of insulin, carbs, exercise, and health-related events.
When you add an event in your app, it shows in Events and CLARITY reports.
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