User's Manual

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©2022 Blackline Safety Corp G6 Technical User Manual | 22
Uncontrolled when printed Rev 01
Low urgency notifications are activated when G6 requires your attention.
NOTE: To allow you to read and understand low urgency notifications, and to avoid
accidentally muting the notification, there is a 2-second delay on your ability to acknowledge
full screen notifications.
To acknowledge and mute a low urgency notification:
1. Select by pressing the center button.
If G6 is within compliance (e.g., a bump test or calibration
is due, but not overdue) and free of any gas related
abnormalities, low battery warnings, or device errors,
G6’s Home screen will have an OK status (green).
If G6 is not in compliance (e.g., a bump test or calibration
is overdue), or if gas related abnormalities, low battery
warnings, or device errors are active, G6’s Home screen
will reflect the notification status.
2. To ensure G6 continues to operate correctly, take the
action indicated by the device to address the notification.