Operation Manual

Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
To desinfect baby bottles or jam jars wire rack 100 100 20-25
Eggs, size M (5 eggs) perforated 100 100 8-15
Cooked-egg-garnish*, 500 g glass dish / wire rack 90 100 25-30
Semolina dumplings unperforated 90-95 100 8-10
*Cover cooked-egg-garnish with heat-resistant cling film or aluminium foil.
Regenerating (Reheating)
Reheat previously prepared dishes without loss of quality. Select the “Regenerating” heating mode.
The given values are for dishes reheated on a plate. To regenerate larger amounts use the unperforated
cooking insert. You will need to increase the time.
Dish Cooking insert Temperature Cooking time
in °C in minutes
Vegetables (on a plate) wire rack 90-100 7-10
Side dishes (pasta, potatoes, rice)* wire rack 100 10-12
*Side dishes: not suitable are baked or deep fried foods like french fries or potato croquettes.
Dough Proofing
Raising yeast dough and other dough mixtures without drying out. Do not cover the bowl.
Select the “Dough Proofing” heating mode.
The raising time is a rough value. Leave the dough until it has doubled in size.
Dish Cooking insert Temperature Cooking time
in °C in minutes
Dough mixture (for example yeast dough, bowl / wire rack 38 25-45
baking ferment, sour dough mixture)