Users Manual

03-2019 0193 00 43
aDvaNcED iNstaNt paramEtErs
start DElay
Sets an ingredient time delay; the delay is
useful if a recipe which consists of multiple
ingredients is created.
For example, when creating the "Hot choc-
olate with milk" recipe, a time delay can be
set between when the powder and the milk
is dispensed.
It can help the beverage be presented bet-
mixEr DElay
Sets a start delay time for the mixer, com-
pared to when the water is dispensed.
absolutE mixEr mix timE
The mixing duration can be set indepen-
dently from the pump/ valve operation time.
The mixing duration is set in milliseconds
and calculated from the moment the pump/
solenoid valve is activated.
rElativE mixEr timE
The mixing duration can be set dierently,
by stopping it before or after the pump/ so-
lenoid valve stops.
The mixing duration is set in milliseconds
and calculated from the moment the pump/
valve is activated.
mixiNg spEED (low / mEDium / HigH)
The mixing speed can be dened accord-
ing to the desired presentation of the prod-
watEr quEuE
Extends the amount of water dispensed
into the mixer after the mixing stage has
nished, in order to adequately rinse the
Set the desired amount of water.
powDEr spEED
Sets the working speed of the motor-doser
to dene its ow rate.
powDEr DElay
An instant powder time delay can be set
so that it starts after the water has been
dispensed into the mixer (activation of the
pump/ solenoid valve).
The instant powder is dispensed at regular
intervals simultaneously with the water.
Set how many intervals are required to
dispense instant powder whilst the water is
being dispensed.
Set the intervals (steps) according to the
powder used, in order to obtain a high-qual-
ity and well-presented beverage.
DEcaffEiNatED coffEE cyclE
The instant powder is dispensed before the
water to improve the presentation of the
Enabling this option is recommended for
instant coee.
aDvaNcED milk paramEtErs
start DElay
Set a time delay for when to dispense the
milk, after the previous ingredient.
It can help the beverage be presented bet-
milk spEED
Sets the milk pump ow rate in cm3/s.
triggEr timE
When the dispensing starts, the milk pump
is activated at maximum speed for a set
time; this makes up for any pockets in the
milk circuit.
After this time, the pump speed is automati-
cally adjusted according to the set ow rate.