Users Manual

50 03-2019 0193 00
wasH mEssagEs
Set the intervals (number of hours and/or
selections) for each type of wash/ rinse.
When the set values have been reached,
the appliance will display a wash/ rinse
Each wash/ rinse can be made compulsory:
the appliance or some functional units will
not work until a wash/ rinse has been per-
NExt wasHEs
Displays when the next wash/ rinse will be
required for each type of wash/ rinse.
gENEral sEttiNgs
The appliance can be supplied by mains
(OFF) or a tank (ON).
ENabliNg tHE DispENsiNg complEtE sig-
Enables/ disables a beep when the appli-
ance has nished dispensing.
ENabliNg tHE paymENt systEm
Enables/ disables the appliance's payment
Enable the payment system to activate all
its features (price settings, etc.).
accEssiNg tHE mENus witH tHE Door
Enables/ disables access to the program-
ming menus with the door closed.
powEr supply
Allows the type of electric connection or
voltage supply used for powering the appli-
ance to be set.
The setting allows all the electrical
components to be correctly managed
and optimises the appliance's operat-
ing cycles.
boilEr paramEtErs
Sets the operating parameters of the
-Temperature: sets the operating tempera-
ture of the boiler.
-Minimum temperature for dispensing bev-
erages: sets the minimum temperature for
making beverages available.
If the boiler temperature is lower than the
temperature that has been set, a “low tem-
perature” error message will be displayed.
With the "Temperature threshold" and "Min-
utes” parameters, the boiler’s temperature
maintenance cycle can be set.
For example, if no beverages are dis-
pensed during the set minutes, the temper-
ature of the water in the boiler is increased
by the degrees set in the "Temperature
moDEls witH a cappucciNo makEr
-Steam boiler pressure: set the steam
boiler pressure value.
For each pressure value, the appliance
displays the corresponding temperature.
-Minimum steam boiler pressure: sets the
minimum pressure for making beverages
which require steam available.
If the boiler pressure is lower than the
pressure that has been set, a “low pres-
sure” error message will be displayed.
For each pressure value, the appliance
displays the corresponding temperature.
mixEr aNti-lock
Sets how long after the last instant selec-
tion to briey activate the mixers (anti-lock
The function is useful if instant powder resi-
dues remain in the mixers.