Users Manual

03-2019 0193 00 53
ovErHEatiNg watEr pump
The water pump has been activated fre-
quently for more than 10 minutes.
The fault prevents the intervention of the
thermal protection of the pump.
boilEr Error
The operating temperature of the boiler
is not reached after several temperature
measurements in a given time.
The appliance has been taken out of ser-
stEam boilEr Error
The operating temperature of the boiler
is not reached after several temperature
measurements in a given time.
The appliance has been taken out of ser-
boilEr lEak
Signals a possible loss of boiler pressure
during a “pressurised” cycle.
fully clEaNiNg tHE macHiNE
Signals that the appliance needs to be fully
The warning is displayed when the set time
limit or number of selections is reached.
wasHiNg tHE EsprEsso uNit usiNg poDs
Signals that the espresso unit needs to be
cleaned with sanitising pods.
The warning is displayed when the set time
limit or number of selections is reached.
fully wasHiNg tHE cappucciNo makEr
Signals that the milk circuit needs to be fully
washed (with detergent).
wasHiNg tHE cappucciNo makEr
Signals that the milk circuit needs to be
washed/ rinsed.
wasHiNg tHE mixErs
Signals that the mixers need to be washed.
The warning is displayed when the set time
limit or number of selections is reached.
coiN box
For models with a payment system only.
The machine will lock if it receives a pulse
lasting more than 2 seconds on a validator
line or if the communication with the serial
coin box is interrupted for longer than 30
(Executive protocol) or 75 (BDV protocol)
liquiD rEsiDuE coNtaiNEr missiNg
The liquid residue container has not acti-
vated the microswitch which indicates the
presence of the container.
Check that the liquid residue container has
been correctly positioned inside the appli-
No watEr
Lack of water from the mains or internal-
ly-supplied tank.
Make sure that the machine is connected to
the water mains and that the tap is open or
the tank is full of water.
Tap the “Reset” button to restore the appli-
ance’s operation.
low watEr prEssurE
The pressure switch measures low water
pressure inside the machine.
The hydraulic circuit of the Plus version is a
closed and pressurized circuit.
No milk
Only for the combined side module.
The module sensor detects that there is a
minimum reserve in the milk tank.
No coffEE
If the dose of ground coee in the doser is
not reached within 15 seconds, the “no cof-
fee” fault is recorded.
griNDEr sHutDowN
A sensor detects the eective rotation of
the grinder during the grinding time.
In the event of a blockage (due to foreign
bodies, etc.) the grinder is shutdown and
the espresso-based selections are disa-
This option can be used to enable/disable
the grinder rotation check.