User's Manual

User Manual Sheet of 12 Mar. 27, 2012
Proprietary Information and Specifications are Subject to Change
This document describes a simple method for characterizing GS1011MIES WLAN module based
RF parameters, such as transmitted spectra and receiver sensitivity. It will be described step by step
below that how to control and setup.
Step 1 : Extract to, it is a USB to UART driver, then setup it.
Step 2 : Setup teraterm_utf8-4.58.exe
program, this program can help to send command to module.
Step 3 : Double click UTF-8 execute file as shown below, it will occur after completing step2 install.
Figure 1
Step 4 : When implement UTF-8, selecting Serial port correctly.
Figure 2
Step 5 : After entering UTF-8, send command at. If connection is successful, it will reply ok.
Step 6 : Now any legal command can be keyed in and if UTF-8 reply ok, the command is implemented
successful like below figure.