User's Manual

Table Of Contents
System Configuration: When a power-up is requested, the system transitions from the Power Up state
to the System Configuration state. In this state, the WLAN CPU is released from reset by the RTC. The
APP CPU remains in the reset state during System Configuration. The WLAN CPU then executes the
required system configurations, releases the APP CPU from reset, and transitions to the Power-ON state.
The System Configuration state is also entered on transition from the Power-ON state to the Power Up
state, to complete necessary preparations before shutting off the power to the core system. Finally, the
System Configuration state is used for firmware updates.
Power-ON: This is the active state where all system components can be running. The Power-ON state
has various sub-states, in which unused parts of the system can be in sleep mode, reducing power
consumption. Sleep states are implemented by gating the clock signal off for a specific system
component. The Deep-Sleep sub-state, in which all clocks are gated off, allows minimum power
consumption while permitting rapid resumption of normal operation. In this state, the 44 MHz reference
oscillator can be turned off to further reduce power consumption.
For more information, consult the GS1011 Peripheral and Register Description [2] and GS1011 IC data
sheet [3] for detailed descriptions.