User's Manual

GS2100M Architecture GS2100M Low Power WiFi Module Data Sheet
Architecture Description
30 Confidential Preliminary GS2100M-DS-001212, Release 0.10 GPIO
The GPIO block provides programmable inputs and outputs that can be controlled from the
CPU SW through an APB interface. Any number of inputs can be configured as an interrupt
source. The interrupts can be generated based on the level or the transition of a pin. At reset,
all GPIO lines defaults to inputs. Each pin can be configured as input or output from SW
control. Sigma Delta ADC
The ADC and DAC are 16-bit sigma-delta converters. There are 3 channels, each having a
differential pair for a total of six input pins. The sample rate can be 32KHz to 80KHz. The
sigma delta converter ratio is 250. The ADC is a 2 channel converter. Each channel can
have an optional pre-amplifier stage. There are 4 gain levels in the pre-amp stage. The delay
between the two channels of the ADC can be adjusted under SW control. The digital
interface for the ADCs and the DAC are 2’s complement. PWM
The PWM consists of three identical PWM function blocks. The PWM function blocks can
be used in two modes of operations:
Independent PWM function blocks providing output signal with programmable
frequency and duty cycle
Synchronized PWM function blocks with programmable phase delay between
each PWM output
The PWM has the following features:
32 bit AMBA APB interface to access control, and status information
Three identical PWM function blocks
Each PWM block can be enabled independently
All three PWM blocks can be started synchronously or chained with
programmable delay
Programmable 6 bit prescaler for the input clock (see 2.1.5 Clocks, page 26)
Programmable frequency and duty cycle using 16 bit resolution in terms of clock
cycles for ON and OFF interval time
Combined interrupt line with independent masking of interrupts