User's Manual

Part number 3E1100 R12 7
June 2007
Make the connections from the Prox Mifare Series (Teardrop) reader to the
Cardax FT Controller 3000 as shown:
Controller 3000
Group (x4)
PB1 and PA1... to... PB4 and PA4
4 3 2 1
2 1
Prox Plus Mifare
Reader 1
Prox Plus Mifare
Reader 2
Within each group, you cannot mix Cardax IV readers with Wiegand Readers.
This is because connecting one Wiegand reader requires all four pins on plug
PB. For example, if you connect a Prox Mifare Series (Teardrop) reader to Port
1 of Group 1, Port 2 of Group 1 can only connect to another Cardax IV reader.
The terminating resistors (J1 for Group 1, J2 for Group 2, etc.) must NOT be
fitted for those groups to which Prox Mifare Series (Teardrop) readers are