User's Manual

User Manual Gallagher SmartReader BR Series
Mounting the Antenna Panel on a metal animal handler can alter the
read range of the SmartReader. Gallagher recommends that the
SmartReader is mounted on wood or spaced pipework.
Multiple SmartReaders can be installed in close proximity to each other,
so long as they are synchronised to ensure conflicts do not occur
between SmartReaders. For further details, see
Installing multiple
(p 24).
Use the defined mounting holes, because drilling through the Antenna
Panel will damage the antenna.
1. Measure the vertical range of the Electronic ID tags on the animals to be
2. Determine the average height of the Electronic ID and mark this on the
outside of the animal handler.
3. Determine what the Antenna Panel is to be mounted on, wood or pipe
work, and prepare the appropriate mounting hardware from the
supplied kit.
Wood - washers and tek screws Pipe work - washers, bolts and nuts
4. Using the defined mounting holes, mount the Antenna Panel on the
outside of the animal handler so that the middle of the Antenna Panel
matches the average height.