User Guide

LEVEL 1 (Surface) — Subs must surface intermittently to replenish their air
(see below). On the surface, the sub is highly visible to other ships,
making it vulnerable to enemy ordnance, including torpedoes. However, you
can use the sub’s own torpedoes and any deck-mounted weaponry. While on
the surface, press
to cycle through your weapons systems.
LEVEL 2 (Periscope Depth) — At this depth, the sub is invisible to units without
sonar. Those equipped with sonar, i.e. destroyers, recon planes, etc., can still
locate you. The tell-tale sonar ping warns that you’ve been spotted by an
enemy unit’s sonar array. To avoid detection, press
to open the map to
check on the enemy unit’s sonar range, denoted by a green circle. Use the
periscope to assist you in covertly aiming torpedoes at enemy targets. Subs
are also highly vulnerable to depth charges at this level. Note that a raised
periscope mast may be damaged if it contacts another unit. While this is not
recommended, the mast might be repaired in time.
LEVEL 3 — This operating depth is ideal for skulking around and maneuvering
your sub into position. While you’re at this level, enemy units have more
difficulty targeting you with depth charges, but your boat is still vulnerable
to well-aimed charges.
LEVEL 4 Operating the sub at this depth for extended periods causes
the pressure hull to rupture, with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Conversely, your sub is invisible to sonar and invulnerable to depth charges.
Dive to this depth only in emergencies, and only for brief periods, in order to
evade expert sub killers.
Submarines possess a limited supply of fresh air, for use by their
engines and crew while submerged. When the gauge on the sub’s
helm controls enters the red “low air” sector, it’s time to surface to
take on another load of air. Use the map to choose your surfacing
location carefully.
If you do not surface manually, the sub surfaces automatically to take on air.
Submarines are equipped with torpedoes as standard weapons. You can launch
torpedoes at periscope depth or when surfaced. Aim torpedoes by steering
the submarine to point at your target.
Most subs are also equipped with deck-mounted AA guns; some larger subs may
even sport an artillery piece for use against armored targets. You can only use
deck-mounted weapons when the sub is surfaced.
For instruction on captaining a submarine, and avoiding detection,
play the Naval Academy mission “Silent Hunting.”
In addition to the helm controls on a ship, the submarine has
controls for diving and surfacing. It is also equipped
with a periscope for covert surveillance of surface targets
and an air supply indicator.
Submarines in Battlestations: Midway move in two planes: vertical and
horizontal. The first set of movement controls (
) are the same as
for surface craft, and operate identically above and below the surface
of the water.
The submarine’s dive and surfacing capabilities are controlled with
Subs operate at four ocean levels, as described on the next page.
Submarine Controls
Move camera
Binoculars on/off
Periscope up/down
Zoom binoculars/periscope
Pan binoculars/periscope
Dive/Ascend toward surface
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