User Guide

Cunning and relentless, the vampire Kain battles the
oppressive agents of Fate that seek to destroy
him. For centuries, he has ruthlessly pursued a
singular ambition — to take his rightful place
as Balance Guardian, thus returning Nosgoth to
vampire rule. And Raziel, he believes, is the key to
fulfilling this goal. Armed with the legendary Reaver blade
— the weapon fated to become Raziel’s eternal prison —
Kain seeks to reclaim their true destinies from the
wreckage of history.
Kain wields the Reaver in its physical form, a blood-drinking
blade forged by Nosgoth’s ancient Vampires as the weapon of
their prophesied hero.
Once the greatest of Kain’s vampire lieutenants, Raziel
is now only a ruined specter of his former glory. Armed
with the wraith-blade of the Soul Reaver, he strives
to unravel the truth behind his enigmatic fate,
a destiny apparently foretold in the earliest
centuries of Nosgoth’s history. Raziel seeks
only to escape the bonds of his one-time
benefactor, now turned adversary — the
mysterious Elder God that resurrected him as a
reaper of souls — and to somehow avert the
terrible destiny appointed for him when the
Reaver was forged.
As his weapon, Raziel bears the sword that the Reaver
is fated to become — a soul-devouring wraith-blade.
TK Meter — Stores energy in its green Runes for performing Telekinesis.
(See pages 10 and 13 for more details.)
Health Gauge — Holds Raziel’s health. This gauge is a coiled spiral, which
unwinds as Raziel is damaged or loses energy. The gauge is filled by devouring
victims’ souls. While in the Material Realm, Raziel gradually tires and must
regularly restore his energy. In the Spectral Realm, his health declines only
when he takes damage. Increase your health capacity by finding Health
Talismans, which allow Raziel to build up a larger supply of energy to counter
increasing dangers. To devour souls, press and hold the
r button with an
enemy in your grasp, or to draw the soul from the body at a distance. If you
release the button too early, the soul may escape. (See page 17 for more details.)
Reaver Gauge — Holds the Reaver’s energy charge. (See pages 10 and 18
for more details.)
Reaver Menu — Displays various Elemental Reaver empowerments Raziel has
gained at Elemental Forges. The colored pips next to the menu show which
elemental Reavers Raziel has acquired so far. Press the directional buttons
4/3 to select and activate any available enhancement. (See page 19 for more
information on Elemental Forges.)
Shift Menu — Press the directional buttons
1/2to display the Shift icons, which
Raziel uses to shift between the Material and Spectral Realms. If Raziel is in the
Material Realm, he can shift into the spectral plane at any time; if he is in the
Spectral Realm, he must be near a host-creature in order to shift. (See page 16
for expanded information on realm-shifting.)
TK Meter
Reaver Gauge
Health Gauge
TK Meter — Holds energy in its green Runes for performing Telekinesis. Each TK
use expends some energy, and overuse depletes the reserves. The meter
gradually refills when not in use. You can extend your TK power by finding TK
Runes, which increase the meter’s capacity. (See Telekinesis (TK) on page 13
for expanded information.)
Health Gauge — Holds Kain’s health. This gauge is a globe of blood, which is
depleted when Kain is wounded or as his hunger grows. The gauge is filled by
drinking enemies’ blood, and drains even as Kain searches for more victims. You
can increase your health capacity by finding Health Talismans, allowing Kain to
build up a greater supply of health to meet increasing game dangers. To drink
blood, press and hold the
r button on a vulnerable enemy. The longer you
hold down the button, the more blood you’ll drink. (See page 14 for more details.)
Reaver Gauge — Holds the Reaver’s energy charge. With each strike, the Reaver
absorbs some of its victim’s energy, adding to gauge amount. When the gauge is
full, the Reaver becomes charged and a Reaver Spell is armed. The amount
decays over time, so Kain must continually seek out and battle enemies to
maintain the Reaver’s energy. Press the
ˇ button near a stunned or vulnerable
enemy to feed the Reaver with the victim’s life energy and fill the gauge.
(See The Reaver beginning on page 18 for more information.)
Balance Emblem Menu — Holds the Balance Emblem fragments Kain has
discovered. Each shard empowers the Reaver with a different combat effect. Use
the directional buttons to select and activate any available segment of the Balance
Emblem. (See page 19 for additional information about the Balance Emblem.)
Reaver Meter
Reaver Gauge
Health Gauge
Balance Emblem Menu
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