User Guide

Accelerating and Swimming - Press or Hold the A Button
Pressing the A Button quickly and repeatedly makes Ecco accelerate. Each time you press Button A,
Ecco will swim faster.To maintain your current speed you can hold down the A Button and Ecco will
swim at a steady pace. To slow down, release the A Button and let Ecco drift to a slower speed. Pressing
and holding the A Button again will make Ecco swim at his current speed.
Slowing down and Swimming in Reverse - Special (Y) + Analog DOWN
To make Ecco slow down, press the Special (Y) Button and DOWN on the Analog Thumb Pad simulta-
neously. Ecco will use his tail fin and flippers to slow down. To swim backwards, keep pressing or hold-
ing the Special (Y) Button and the DOWN on the Analog Thumb Pad.
180 Degree turn - Special (Y) + Analog LEFT/ RIGHT
Turning Left or Right while holding the Special (Y) Button will make Ecco do a 180 degree turn.
This is a very handy and quick maneuver during a shark fight or simply to home in on a school of fish
again and again.
Super Roll - Special (Y) + Analog UP
Pressing the Special (Y) Button and UPon the
Analog Thumb Pad will make Ecco do a
corkscrew like evasive maneuver. If mastered
well, this trick can save Ecco from deadly head
on collisions with oncoming enemies.
Charging - B Button
Charging is done by pressing the B Button.
When Ecco charges, he accelerates beyond his
top swimming speed for a short period of time.
The extra speed is useful for escaping enemies,
swimming against currents or simply jumping
higher up in the air.
Charging can also be used as a weapon.
Ecco can cause damage to enemies or chase
them away by charging into them. When charging, Ecco automatically homes in on the closest target
within his sight. This makes targeting and hitting targets easier. Since homing in on a target is automatic
it is advised that you let go of the directional controls for the duration of the charge in order to let the
homing work properly. Interfering with the homing by steering the dolphin only lessens the chance of a
successful hit. The automatic homing depends on timing and distance as well.
The Sonar
Ecco’s sonar can be used in many different ways. The main function of the sonar is
communication. The sonar can be activated with the X Button. Ecco does use up a little
air for each sonar pulse that he sends. If the sonar does not seem to be working as you
expect, try backing off and giving Ecco a little more or less distance to what/who you
wish Ecco to interact with, or try a different angle.
Talking with the Sonar - Press the X Button
Using his sonar, Ecco can communicate with whales, dolphins, as
well as other intelligent beings. To talk to other mammals, target
them with your sonar and press the X Button.
Interacting with other creatures - Press the X Button
Not all the animals in the ocean can communicate with the dolphin. Sharks, rays, fish and other creatures
will not understand a dolphin’s language. However, all the animals will react to Ecco’s sonar in their own
particular ways. By using his sonar, Ecco can effect the behavior of these creatures, he can challenge a
shark, he can herd turtles together or cause a school of fish to disperse. We encourage you to explore and
experiment with the sonars effect on various animals since these abilities will become very useful in
many different gameplay situations.
Special Sonar abilities - Press the X Button
As the game progresses, Ecco will learn special abilities, which will alter and enhance the functionality
of his sonar. He will learn to use his sonar as a defensive as well as an offensive weapon. He also learns
new ways of interacting with various sea creatures. These special abilities will allow Ecco to control the
behavior of various animals in a much more precise and direct fashion than before. The use of these
special sonar abilities is automatic, if Ecco acquired an ability to control a certain creature, sonaring that
particular animal will automatically affect its behavior in the desired way.
Sonar as a Tractor Beam - Double Press and Hold the X Button
Later in the game, when Ecco acquires the Labor Harness he will be able to hold onto certain objects with
the use of the Harness sonar-tractor beam. To activate the tractor beam, double-press and hold down the
“Sonar” X Button.
Sonar Map - Press and Hold down the X Button
Ecco can use his sonar to draw a Sonar Map of his surroundings. The Sonar
Map can be activated by pressing down the X Button, and holding it down
until the map appears. The map will automatically disappear after a short
time, but you can turn it off manually at any time by pressing and holding the
“Sonar” X Button again.
When the Sonar appears, you will see Ecco as the dark blue flashing
dolphin icon on the sonar map.
Note: A few particular areas interfere with the sonar and Ecco cannot activate a Sonar Map.
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