User Guide

Negotiations occur after battle only when certain conditions are met. The type of negotiations depend
on the situations of the enemies and on their remaining HP. For example, if the Party is being chased,
the word <Escape> will be displayed. On the other hand, if the enemy has been trapped, the word
<Let go> will be displayed. It is best to learn all battle situations in order to make sensible decisions.
<Escape> is displayed when the Main Party is at a disadvantage. If there is a Party member who has the Role Getaway, there
will be a higher chance of escaping.
Call a truce
<Call a truce> is displayed when damage for both parties is increasing. If there is a Diplomat among the Main Party
members, there will be a higher chance of ending the battle.
Let go
<Let go> is displayed when the enemy is at a disadvantage. If there is a member who has the Role Intimidate, the success
rate will be higher.
Party battles combine the collective power of every Party member. The Main Party can have a maximum of four characters.
By learning new Weapon Arts and Spell Arts, the Party members can learn to execute Combo Attacks. Not only do the characters
attack enemies, they can act in unison against enemies. The next section introduces Party Battle Hints.
Battle Style settings are crucial to combine the power of the Party members. By winning battles, the characters will Level UP and
be able to increase their abilities. To increase the chance of victory during battle, practice the following four points:
Point 1 – Pay attention to Combo Attacks, and choose the order of action
Characters battle order can be set without taking into account the quickness of the character. To determine the battle order, the
Weapon Arts and Spell Arts that each character uses must be compatible with a Combo Attack that causes a tremendous amount
of damage. Again, when the player would like to use the Combo techniques listed in the Player Notes (Combo background), the
success rate is higher if the order of action is set.
Point 2 – Assign a Role which accentuates the character’s individuality
It is possible to give each character a duty by assigning a Role to that character. By assigning Roles to each character, a
unique Party can be created, such as a Party with concentrated physical attacks or concentrated Combo Attacks. However,
depending on whether the Party is engaging in a battle against typical enemies or against a Boss enemy, the characters Roles
may need to be changed.
Battle Command
When <Battle Command> is selected, the screen shown on the right will appear. On this screen,
press the directional button to the LEFT/RIGHT to select a weapon to be used. To select a Weapon
Art or a Spell Art, press the directional button UP/DOWN. Press the
button to confirm all
selections. Next, move the cursor to select the action to be targeted at enemies and Party
members. Press the
button to execute the command. Continue this process until an action has
been assigned to all the Party members.
1. Active characters name.
2. WP (SP) cost/Current WP (SP). If the current WP (SP) is low, the cost of use may be too high (the window color will
change), and LP will be reduced in order to turn out Weapon and Spell Arts.
3. The upper number is the Current HP/Maximum HP, and the lower number is Current LP/Maximum LP.
4. The name of the weapon currently selected (Martial Arts and Defend are not displayed).
5. Types of Weapon Arts and Spell Arts that can be used with the weapon currently selected.
6. Help window.
Recover HP
Select target characters with the directional button. Upon pressing the
button to execute the command, one LP will be
consumed, but those characters will recover all of their HP immediately.
If all enemies are defeated, the Party is the victor of that battle. Any character that has lost HP may recover a small amount.
Even if LP remains, when all Party members HP reaches zero, the Party can no longer continue the battle.
End Battle Negotiation
Commands will be displayed depending on the enemy or the situation. See below for details.
Level UP
At times, HP, Weapon Arts, and Spell Arts may Level UP after completion of a battle.
Game Over
When the Main Party members are all defeated, the game is over, and the display will return to the Title Screen.