User Guide

ACTION 1 – Select the character for Duel battle
To engage in a Duel battle, select the character that will represent the Party. When the
button is pressed, the display will switch
to the screen shown on the right; select an action from this screen. Once the action is selected, press the
1. Enemys name.
2. Battle command.
3. Recover HP command. Consumes LP to restore HP on the spot.
4. End Battle Negotiation command (see page 19).
5. Change Weapon command. Upon selecting <Change Weapon>, a small screen will appear allowing
characters to change the weapon used in battle. Select a weapon and press the
button. For
characters who do not have multiple weapons and cannot use Martial Arts, this command will not appear.
6. Help window.
ACTION 2 – Enter four action commands
If <Battle Command> is selected, the screen will switch to the following display. Depending on the order in which action
commands are selected, various attacks are possible. First, select an action command. Upon selection, the word <Combo> may
appear next to any one of the action commands. If the word <Combo> appears next to one of the action
commands and that command is selected, the chance of a Combo Attack increases. Pressing the
directional button to the LEFT selects the command <Defend>; this can be selected as an action
command. A total of four action commands must be selected to begin the battle.
1. Active characters name.
2. WP (SP) cost/Current WP (SP). If the current WP (SP) is low, the cost of use may be too high
(the window color will change), and LP will be reduced in order to turn out Weapon and Spell Arts.
3. The upper number is the Current HP/Maximum HP, and the lower number is Current LP/Maximum LP.
4. The name of the weapon currently selected (Martial Arts and Defend are not displayed).
5. Action Commands. Types of Weapon Arts and Spell Arts that can be used with the weapon currently selected.
6. Help window.
ACTION 3 – Confirm action command selections
Once all four action commands have been selected, press the
button. A confirmation message will appear. To confirm the
action commands selected, press the
button at this time to start combat. Otherwise, press the button, or select <Re-enter
command> and press the
button to re-select commands.
ACTION 4 – Create Combo Attacks using Weapon Arts and Spell Arts
Once the
button is pressed at <Begin battle>, battle begins, using the action commands that were selected. Depending on the
characters speed, the possibility for Combo Attacks varies, and depending on the compatibility of the attack or spell, there may
be times when a new Weapon Art or Spell Art is created. The Weapon Arts and Spell Arts acquired here may be distributed to
each character by accessing the <Equip Arts> command of the Menu Screen.
Point 3 – Develop new and powerful Arts
During battle, the player will be able to create new Arts (see page 23). By continuously using weapons and casting spells (see
page 22), characters will create more powerful Spell Arts. In order to acquire highly effective Arts, characters should attack using
the Arts they already possess.
Point 4 – Combine Weapon Arts and Spell Arts to perform a powerful Combo Attack
When using Weapon Arts and Spell Arts, the Party members attacks can sometimes be combined to
produce an even more powerful attack called the Combo Attack. Combo Attacks may be used in
various combinations, and are the essence of battle. At times, the Weapon Arts and Spell Arts
acquired from the enemies may also be combined. After experiencing various attack patterns, learn
to create an original Combo Attack.
Double Slash + Double Thrust = Double Slash Duo Attack
Leveling UP the characters
After completing battle, characters randomly Level UP. Parameters and items that are known to Level UP are HP, WP, SP, Weapon
Arts , and Spell Arts. Skills will only Level UP if used during battle. Again, if the player possesses properties related to the skills
(see page 23), the probability that the level will increase becomes higher.
Metal equipment holds a special meaning
In the world of SaGa Frontier 2, using Spell Arts is a daily occurrence (see page 24). In general, people use weapons and armor
made from the materials to which they have a natural affinity. On the other hand, metal items cannot extract Anima; for this
reason, people grew to dislike metal. Since metals have a higher Durability, remember that characters that use metal equipment
can prolong their protection from spell attacks.
The new battle system for SaGa Frontier 2 makes use of the Duel system. The Duel feature allows
for one-on-one battle, enabling more precise attacks against an enemy. Counterattacks are not just
random hits. Depending on the enemys stance, and the action that the enemy takes, the character
can perform actions such as slash and backslash. By using a tactical approach with the enemy, the
player should aim to create new Weapon Arts and Spell Arts.
Duel battle can occur in three situations:
1. When the main character is forced into a battle by an event.
2. When there is only one member in the Main Party.
3. When the screen to select battle formation appears, and a single character is selected as the battle formation (for a Duel battle).