User's Manual

Page 3-6 GTS Processor Installation Manual
Revision A 190-00587-50
8. Wait until the installation has completed.
Figure 3-5 GTS Processor Install Tool – Installation
9. When the installation has completed, the following screen will be displayed. Select ‘Close.’
Figure 3-6 GTS Processor Install Tool – Installation
3.8 Downloading and Installing the GTS Assert Log Diagnosis Tool
The GTS Assert Log Diagnosis Tool (006-A0244-00) is used with the GTS 8XX Assert Log to assist in the
diagnosis and resolution of asserts seen during the installation process and during post-installation flight
operation. This tool allows for viewing/storing of the GTS Assert Log using a computer (installed with
Microsoft Windows XP or later) and is available for download from the Dealers Resource Center portion
of the Garmin website ( See the “readme” file in the tool download for the latest
installation/operation notes.
A USB-A plug to USB-B plug cable (not provided) is required to interface
between a computer USB-A receptacle and the GTS Processor USB-B receptacle
installed in the wiring harness. This Dongle Cable is required to use the GTS
Processor Install Tool, refer to Appendix B for interconnect drawing.