User Manual

Table Of Contents
Turn off activity tracking (Turning Off Activity Tracking,
page 7).
Use a watch face that is not updated every second.
For example, use a watch face without a second hand
(Customizing the Watch Face, page 20).
Limit the smartphone notifications the device displays
(Managing Notifications, page 12).
Stop broadcasting heart rate data to paired Garmin devices
(Broadcasting Heart Rate Data to Garmin Devices, page 14).
Turn off wrist-based heart rate monitoring (Turning Off the
Wrist-based Heart Rate Monitor, page 15).
NOTE: Wrist-based heart rate monitoring is used to calculate
vigorous intensity minutes and calories burned.
Turn on manual pulse oximeter readings.
Activity Tracking
For more information about activity tracking accuracy, go to
My daily step count does not appear
The daily step count is reset every night at midnight.
If dashes appear instead of your step count, allow the device
to acquire satellite signals and set the time automatically.
My step count does not seem accurate
If your step count does not seem accurate, you can try these
Wear the device on your non-dominant wrist.
Carry the device in your pocket when pushing a stroller or
lawn mower.
Carry the device in your pocket when actively using your
hands or arms only.
NOTE: The device may interpret some repetitive motions,
such as washing dishes, folding laundry, or clapping your
hands, as steps.
The step counts on my device and my Garmin
Connect account don't match
The step count on your Garmin Connect account updates when
you sync your device.
Select an option:
Sync your step count with the Garmin Connect application
(Using Garmin Connect on Your Computer, page 13).
Sync your step count with the Garmin Connect app
(Manually Syncing Data with Garmin Connect, page 13).
Wait while the device syncs your data.
Syncing can take several minutes.
NOTE: Refreshing the Garmin Connect app or the Garmin
Connect application does not sync your data or update your
step count.
The floors climbed amount does not seem accurate
Your device uses an internal barometer to measure elevation
changes as you climb floors. A floor climbed is equal to 3 m
(10 ft.).
Avoid holding handrails or skipping steps while climbing
In windy environments, cover the device with your sleeve or
jacket as strong gusts can cause erratic readings.
My intensity minutes are flashing
When you exercise at an intensity level that qualifies toward
your intensity minutes goal, the intensity minutes flash.
Exercise for at least 10 consecutive minutes at a moderate or
vigorous intensity level.
Getting More Information
You can find more information about this product on the Garmin
Go to for additional manuals, articles,
and software updates.
Go to, or contact your Garmin dealer for
information about optional accessories and replacement
Go to for information about
feature accuracy.
This is not a medical device.
Data Fields
%HRR: The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart
rate minus resting heart rate).
24-Hour Max.: The maximum temperature recorded in the last
24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.
24-Hour Min.: The minimum temperature recorded in the last
24 hours from a compatible temperature sensor.
Ambient Press.: The uncalibrated ambient pressure.
Average HR: The average heart rate for the current activity.
Average Pace: The average pace for the current activity.
Average Swolf: The average swolf score for the current activity.
Your swolf score is the sum of the time for one length plus
the number of strokes for that length (Swim Terminology,
page 4). In open water swimming, 25 meters is used to
calculate your swolf score.
Avg. %HRR: The average percentage of heart rate reserve
(maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate) for the current
Avg. Ascent: The average vertical distance of ascent since the
last reset.
Avg. Cadence: Cycling. The average cadence for the current
Avg. Cadence: Running. The average cadence for the current
Avg. Descent: The average vertical distance of descent since
the last reset.
Avg. Lap Time: The average lap time for the current activity.
Avg. Moving Speed: The average speed when moving for the
current activity.
Avg. Nautical Speed: The average speed in knots for the
current activity.
Avg. Overall Speed: The average speed for the current activity,
including both moving and stopped speeds.
Avg. Speed: The average speed for the current activity.
Avg. Strk/Len: The average number of strokes per pool length
during the current activity.
Avg. Strk Rate: Swimming. The average number of strokes per
minute (spm) during the current activity.
Avg. Strk Rate: Paddle sports. The average number of strokes
per minute (spm) during the current activity.
Avg Dist Per Stk: Swimming. The average distance traveled
per stroke during the current activity.
Avg Dist Per Stk: Paddle sports. The average distance traveled
per stroke during the current activity.
Avg HR %Max.: The average percentage of maximum heart
rate for the current activity.
Baro. Pressure: The calibrated current pressure.
Battery Level: The remaining battery power.
26 Appendix