Instruction Manual

Cannot ofst goto rte - An attempt has been made to engage offset navi-
gation feature while the GNC 300XL is navigating
using a single waypoint route. The GNC 300XL
will not allow offset navigation in this situation.
Checklist is full - The selected checklist is full. No new items can
be added until existing items are deleted.
COM failed -
The communications transceiver in the GNC
300XL has failed. Take the unit to an authorized
GARMIN service center.
Comment memory full -The waypoint comment memory is full. You
must delete existing waypoint comments before
adding new ones.
Configuration reset - The GNC 300XL has detected a failure in its
installation configuration memory. Data from the
user memory has been used to reset the configu-
ration. Check the installation settings for cor-
rectness. If the message persists, the unit is not
usable and should be taken to an authorized ser-
vice center for repair.
Course input fail - The course input from RS-422 or ARINC 429 is
not available to the GNC 300XL. Check the I/O
settings and/or have the installation checked by
a certified technician.
Data card failed - The GNC 300XL has detected a problem with
the data card. The data is not usable and the
card should be returned to Jeppesen or an
authorized GARMIN service center.
Data card write fail - The user data card failed to program. The
card should be returned to an authorized
GARMIN service center.
Degraded accuracy - The GNC 300XL has detected poor satellite
geometry while RAIM is not available.
Additional cross-checking with a secondary
navigation source should be performed to ver-
ify the integrity of the GPS position.
Do not use for nav - The GNC 300XL is in the simulator mode
and must not be used for actual navigation.
EEPROM write fail - The GNC 300XL has detected a failure while
programming its installation configuration
memory. The unit is not usable and should be
taken to an authorized service center.
Final altitude alert - The suggested altitude is within 1000 feet of
the final altitude entered on the VNAV plan-
ning page.
Fuel/Air input fail - The fuel and/or air data input is not available
to the GNC 300XL. Check the I/O settings
and the fuel/air system installation.
Heading input fail - The heading input from ARINC 429 is not
available to the GNC 300XL. Check the I/O
settings and/or have the installation checked
by a certified technician.
Inside SUA - You have entered a Special Use Airspace.
300xl manual 1/25/99 2:36 PM Page 118