Instruction Manual

NDB comments page
NDB identification page
NDB Information
NDB Information
The GNC 300XL also uses identification, position and comments pages for NDB
information. The NDB waypoint pages are used in the same manner as VOR pages:
NDB information is accessed by entering the desired facility’s identifier, city or name
(see page 38) on the NDB identification page.
To scroll through the NDB pages:
1. Make sure the cursor is not present. If it is, press
2. Rotate
in either direction to scroll through the available pages.
The NDB position page (see above) displays the selected facility’s identifier, fre-
quency and position, as well as any weather broadcasts available. The NDB comment
page will display any user comments for the selected NDB (see page 54 for instruc-
tions on entering user comments).
NDB Position Page
300xl manual 1/25/99 2:35 PM Page 46