Instruction Manual

Active Route
Flying and Modifying the Active Route
Once a route has been created and activated, the GNC 300XL will provide naviga-
tion to each route waypoint through the active route, CDI and map pages. From the
active route page, you may also create and modify the active route, and insert an
approach, SID or STAR. The CDI page will display detailed navigation data on your
progress to each route waypoint, and provide turn anticipation, waypoint arrival and
next desired track information. By understanding the relationship between the active
route and CDI pages and the role of the waypoint sequencing (GPS SEQ) switch, you’ll
be able to get the most out of the GNC 300XLs advanced route and approach features.
Whenever the GNC 300XL is navigating an approach, route or an on-route direct-
to, the active route page will provide a list of the route waypoints in sequence, along
with distance, time and course information. You may also create and edit a route
directly from the active route page. If you want to save a route created from the active
route page (route 0), you must copy it to an open storage route (see page 69) before
turning the unit off or activating another route. The active route page may be displayed
by pressing the
key and rotating
left continuously. It will also appear automati-
cally whenever an approach, route, SID or STAR is activated.
To scroll through the active route waypoints:
1. Rotate
with the cursor inactive (or
with the cursor active).
The active leg identifiers field, located at the top left of the page, displays the way-
point identifiers of the route leg you are currently navigating. The first waypoint identi-
fier displayed is the ‘active from’ waypoint. The second waypoint is the ‘active to’
waypoint. The line connecting these waypoints is known as the ‘active leg’. If you are
navigating a direct-to, the field will display the destination with a ‘goto’ designation.
The GNC 300XLs active route page provides a
working list of all waypoints for the route you are
navigating, along with distance, timing or desired
track information. The scrolling arrow prompt to
the left of the route waypoint list indicates which
way to scroll to view additional route waypoints.
The active route page can also be used to manual-
ly select your next ‘active-to’ destination (using
D), which allows you to fly directly to any way-
point in the route without modifying the route
itself. The GNC 300XL will resume navigation of
the remainder of the route in sequence once you
arrive at the selected waypoint.
300xl manual 1/25/99 2:35 PM Page 74