Instruction Manual

Key and Knob Functions
The power/volume knob controls unit power and radio volume.
The squelch button activates automatic squelch control.
The direct-to key performs an instant direct-to, allows you to enter a
waypoint, and sets a direct course to the destination. See Section 5.
The nearest key is used to obtain information on the 9 nearest airports,
VORs, NDBs, intersections, user waypoints and 2 nearest FSS/ARTCC
points of communication. The nearest key also accesses any active SUA
information. See Section 4 for more information on the nearest waypoints.
The route key
enables you to create, edit, activate and invert routes, and
access approaches, SIDs and STARs. Search-and-rescue, parallel offset and
closest point of approach functions are also performed using the route key.
See Section 5 for more route information on routes and Section 6 for more
information on approaches, SIDs and STARs.
The waypoint key is used to view information such as runways, frequen-
cies, position and comments on airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections and
user waypoints. See Section 3 for more waypoint information.
The navigation key is used to view navigation and position information.
Planning operations are also performed using this key. See Section 1
for more information on navigation and planning operations.
Key and Knob
The GNC 300XL is designed to minimize
keystrokes when performing operations. There are
typically several ways to perform the same opera-
tion. In general, using the knobs will decrease key-
strokes and time spent using the GNC 300XL.
Experiment to find the most effective way to use
the GNC 300XL to your advantage.
300xl manual 1/25/99 2:35 PM Page vii