Design Bistro Oven Pro 18L Owner's manual

Tips for baking time and baking temperature
Preheat the oven and the baking dish for the meat.
Small pieces with short cooking time should have room temperature. Do not put the
meat straight into the oven after taking it out of the fridge.
Before you start baking with low temperature you should sauté the meat in a frying
pan from all sides. The pores of the meat have to close and the outside should become
a crust. Sauté small pieces of meat. Roast bigger pieces of meat gently with a lower
temperature. Season the meat with salt and pepper directly in the frying pan and not
before hand.
Do not sauté too many pieces of meat at a time. The discharge of liquid should be
able to evaporate immediately. If the liquid stays in the frying pan too long the meat
starts to simmer instead of roasting.
Roast small portions at a time and ensure the frying pan is really hot before putting
in the next load of meat.
After roasting the meat shortly in the frying pan you can finish cooking the meat in
the oven at 70°C to 80°C (refer to recipe and cooking time table). Keep a constant oven
The cooking time of a piece of meat depends on the thickness of the roast and the
oven temperature. You can use a cooking thermometer to get the same cooking results.
Penetrate the cooking thermometer into the thickest part of the piece of meat to check
the temperature inside the roast. This way you can easily check if the meat is still rare
(too cold) or too dry (cooked thoroughly).
The higher the temperature of the oven the more weight the roast will loose. 130°C
at convection heat and 145°C at heat from above and below are high enough.
If the roast has no crust or looks to light in colour from the outside after the core
temperature is reached you can turn up the temperature of the oven to 175°C- 205°C
and cook the roast for another 20 minutes.
When the roast is finished you can keep the roast warm for 25 to maximum 45 minutes.
Turn the oven to 70°C. Serve the roast on warm dishes.
42811_manual.qxp 10.07.2008 07:51 Seite 33