Design Bistro Oven Pro 18L Owner's manual

Sweet casserole
2 apples
lemon juice of halve a lemon
2 eggs
250g curd
3 table spoons milk
2 table spoons honey
grease for the casserole dish
2 table spoons chopped almonds
Peel and quarter the apples, cut out the core and slice in thin slices. Sprinkle with lemon
juice. Mix egg yolk, milk, curd and honey. Whisk the egg whites in separate bowl until
stiff and fold the stiff egg whites and the apple slices into the curd mixture. Fill mixture
into casserole dish and bake at 175°C using convection heat for approximately 35 minutes.
Serve sprinkled with almonds.
Easy apple cake
5 Boskop or Cox Orange apples
lemon juice
2 eggs
300g sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
100g butter, liquid
100g flour
1 tea spoon baking powder
100ml milk
butter and flour for the baking pan
icing sugar for serving
Peel and quarter the apples, cut out the core and slice in thin slices. Sprinkle with lemon
juice. Mix all the other ingredients and fold in the apple slices.
Pour mixture into greased and floured baking pan. Bake at 205°C using heat from
above and below or at 160°C using convection heat for approx. 50-60 minutes until the
cake has a golden colour.
Gewerbestraße 20
D-21279 Hollenstedt/Germany
42811_manual.qxp 10.07.2008 07:51 Seite 40