Use Instructions

3. Remove the backing from the sticky central area of the Patch under the POD clip.
4. The POD clip should be placed on the midline over the center of
the uterus. For most patients the umbilicus is a good anatomical
reference. See below for women with a displaced umbilicus.
Ensure the Patch is placed correctly as shown in Fig. 2, with the
three central electrodes #2, 4 and 5, aligned along the patient’s
mid-line and the red arrow at top, pointing towards the head, then
stick down.
5. Lift up one of the electrodes around the Novii POD clip (electrode
#1, 2, 3 or 4); focus on the small area of the skin where the center
of the electrode will be placed.
6. Using about 1”/2cm strip of the 3M skin prep tape to exfoliate the skin in one direction only,
with a deliberate but gentle stroke, lifting finger after each stroke; 3 strokes each in 2
perpendicular directions to create an X or cross pattern. The center of the electrode needs
to match up with center of the skin prep area.
7. Once done, remove the electrode backing and stick down firmly, trying to avoid pressing
the central gel area of electrode
8. Repeat for the remaining 3 electrodes around the clip
9. For the last remaining electrode attached to the long flexible cable, electrode #5, Fig 2:
a. Remove the electrode backing first ready to stick down
b. Prepare the skin (see 6 above) so that the center of the electrode will be positioned
on the midline approximately 2.4”/6cm above the rim of the symphysis pubis
c. Stick down precisely over the center of prepared area
10. In patients with a displaced umbilicus: Where the umbilicus is displaced downwards by
more than 3cm from the center of the uterus, with the patient supine or semi supine, you
will need to estimate where the center of the uterus is, following one of the following
a. Position POD clip along the mid-line where it intersects the horizontal line passing
over the iliac crests
b. Position POD clip along the mid-line at the mid-point between the fundus and
symphysis pubis).
Don’t do this
Instead, DO this!
Fig. 2