Use Instructions

FHR Gaps Troubleshooting Table
For further support visit
Possible Cause
Action and Solution
During the ‘Electrode Check’ did you bypass a red X
or an orange O on the top or bottom midline
electrode? This could result in FHR gapping.
Restart the monitoring session to identify which
electrode has O or X
Peel the electrode back, remove excess gel from
skin. Wait until skin is dry then abrade skin and
reapply electrode.
In patients without a pannus the location of mid-line
lower electrode must be vertically above the point
2.4”/6cm horizontally above the symphysis pubis
Confirm the placement of the midline lower
electrode and re-position
Electrode is fully or partially detached from
abdomen especially if the gap occurs after a
shower, clinical procedure or position change e.g.
sitting on chair
Confirm that all electrodes are attached to the skin
and re-apply if necessary. The Interface should
alarm if an electrode comes detached, but partial
detachment or lifting e.g. skin folding when
bending forward do occur. If necessary use a strip
of micropore tape to prevent electrode lifting or
Lost FHR, MHR and UA when patient has left room
Check message on Interface and ask patient to
return to the room.
Lost FHR, MHR and UA when patient is in room
Interface switched off or power supply to Interface
faulty. Bluetooth pairing with POD is lost. Re-start
Interface, remove POD from Patch, dock and start
new monitoring episode. Interface does not have
a battery back-up
Mid-line upper and lower electrodes have been
placed over a skin lesion, skin fold, stretch mark,
pronounced linea nigra
Re-position Patch to avoid the skin problem
The mid-line electrode below Patch clip is over the
umbilicus, a skin fold or lesion and is not seated
Re-position Patch to avoid the skin problem
It is important to wait 10-15 minutes after starting
Novii before commencing ambulation to allow the
electrode gel to penetrate the skin
Return patient to bed and review causes 1 and 2
above. The patient should not be encouraged to
ambulate unless the FHR trace is good and the
signal indicator on the Novii Interface shows 3
green squares
The patient is ambulating
Return patient to bed; review causes 1, 2 & 3