User's Manual

Using Vscan Air CL
Vscan Air
User Manual
Direction GP092020-1EN
Rev 08
3 Minimize lost connection
between probe and
mobile device during
The probe without a cable can be very helpful to support sterile
procedures. At the same time its use depends on bandwidth and
stability of the wireless connection between probe and mobile
Following are the recommendations for minimizing loss of real
time images due to connection instability:
a. The probe and mobile device should be within 1 m to
each other during pairing, and less than 1.5 meters while
in use.
b. Avoid congested Wi-Fi network environments, if possible.
c. In cases where multiple Vscan Air probes and display
devices with the app are available, make sure
- the app is closed on all other devices except the one to
be used and
- all other probes are turned off and moved away from the
vicinity of the device.
4 Check battery levels of
probe and display device
Ensure that the probe and display device have enough charge
before starting a procedure. Charge levels of 50% and above
are recommended before starting, and above 30% during
procedure. Battery levels of the probe can be checked on the top
left corner of imaging screen after connecting with the app.
Please refer to the user manual for the detailed description of the
battery level indicator bars.
5 Select appropriate preset Choose the correct preset based on the anatomy being
visualized and the planned procedure. Details of the presets and
the optimized anatomy are available in the user manual.
6 Position display device Position the display device in such way that it is comfortable to
visualize the image during the procedure (for e.g. Imaging
features such as orientation marker is clearly visible, ambient
lighting is optimal, display device is in the line of sight and no
straining is required). Consider using a cart or stand to mount
the display.
Step Step name Description