User Manual

2-6 Vscan ExtendUser Manual
Rev. D
Diagnostic information
The images and calculations provided by the system, including
bladder volume and lung protocol, are intended for use by
competent users, as a diagnostic tool. They are not to be
explicitly regarded as the sole, irrefutable basis for clinical
diagnosis. Users are encouraged to study the literature and
reach their own professional conclusions regarding the clinical
use of the system.
The user should be aware of the product specifications and of
the system accuracy and stability limitations. These limitations
must be considered before making any decision based on
quantitative values. If in doubt, the nearest GE Ultrasound
Service Office should be consulted.
Equipment malfunction or incorrect settings can result in
measurement errors or failure to detect details in the image. The
user must become thoroughly familiar with the operation of the
Vscan Extend in order to optimize its performance and to
recognize possible malfunctions.
General precautionary advice for the use of diagnostic ultrasound in
combination with ultrasound contrast agents
Mechanical hazards
A damaged probe may result in injury or increased risk of
contamination. Inspect the probe frequently for sharp, pointed or
rough surface damage that could cause injury or tear protective
barriers (gloves and sheaths).
Avoid reflections from windows/lamps/direct sunlight on the
display. Avoid analyzing data from small viewing angles.
The Vscan Extend is not intended to be used with a contrast
agent. Cardiac rhythm disturbances during cardiac studies
using gas ultrasound contrast agents have been observed in
the diagnostic range of Mechanical Index (MI) values. See the
specific package insert for the contrast agent being used for
further details.