User's Manual

Review and recall of stored data
Vscan Extend
User Manual
Rev. 13
NOTE: The restore operation does not restore backed up logs.
1. Power OFF the Vscan Extend.
2. Remove the Battery. See ‘Inserting/removing the battery’ on
page 3-23 for more information. Remove the microSD card
containing the log files from the device.
3. Insert the microSD card with the backed up data. See
Figure 6-3 on page 6-12 to insert the SD card.
4. Power ON the Vscan Extend.
5. Press Menu -> Settings -> Restore.
Figure 5-45. Restore
The restore procedure overwrites the existing data on the
Vscan Extend.
When restoring previously-backed up patient data, you must
first backup the current patient data as the restore procedure
overwrites the existing data. See ‘Backup’ on page 5-44 for
more information.
Make sure to insert the correct microSD card.