User's Manual

Using Vscan Extend apps
Vscan Extend
User Manual
Rev. 13
Lung Protocol app
The Lung Protocol provides a template to systematically acquire
and evaluate thoracic ultrasound images. Images will be
acquired in a defined order by thorax area. After completing
image acquisition for whole thorax, each area can be reviewed
and scored or qualitatively assessed. A simple report is
summarizing findings. The lung protocol can be configured by
number of thoracic areas, and by choice between qualitative
assessment and scoring. With the latest app update, the user
can set the default preset selecting between lung preset (linear
transducer) and cardiac preset (sector transducer).
The application performs the following functions:
1. Automatic lung preset selection
2. Guides or helps assessing the stored images
3. Helps to calculate a total lung score
4. Generates a simple report at the end of the exam
Lung Protocol settings
1. Press Start a protocol on the Menu screen.
2. Press the Lung Protocols Settings icon on the Protocols
screen to choose the desired settings.
Figure 5-57. Start a protocol