Owner manual

Use of 32-bit process data.
For configuration of a 2-word (32-bit) parameter read/write, use 2 consecutive arrays in par. EN-21 and EN-22, like [2]+[3], [4]+[5], [6]+[7] etc. Read/write of 2-
word values in arrays like: [3]+[4], [5]+[6], [7]+[8] are not possible.
5.1.2 EtherNet/IP Connections
The OPCEIP option supports the CIP connections described in the following sections:
5.1.3 Class 1 connection
I/O connection using TCP transport. Maximum one Class 1 connection is supported by the EtherNet/IP option, but several listen only connection can be established
if multicast is selected as Transport type. This type of connection is used for cyclic I/O and Change-Of-State connections. The connection is established with a
Forward Open command, containing the following information:
Transport Type:
Specified for both directions:
- Originator-to-Target / Target-to-Originator.
- Point to Point
- Multicast (Target-to-Originator only)
Data Size:
Specified (in bytes) for both directions: Originator -> Target / Target -> Originator.
The data-size depends on the assembly-instance chosen in: Destination.
Instances (decimal) Data Size
Originator Target Target Originator
20, 21, 100 70, 71, 150 4 bytes
101 151 8 bytes
103 153 20 bytes
Packet Rate:
Specified (in milliseconds) for both directions: Originator -> Target / Target -> Originator.
Minimum packet rate supported: 1 ms
Production Inhibit Timeout:
Specifies (in milliseconds) the timeout-time for both directions.
Selects the transport trigger type:
- Cyclic (Data is transmitted cyclically as polled I/O)
- Change Of State (Data is transmitted on Change of State only. COS-filters are set-up in par. EN-38 COS Filters)
Connection Points
Specified for both directions: Originator -> Target / Target -> Originator.
(par.O-10 Control Word Profile)
Direction Connection Points
Originator Target
20, 21
Target Originator
70, 71
Originator Target
100, 101, 103
Target Originator
150, 151, 153