Owner's manual

Galaxy Pulsar Edge Power System Controller
Issue 3 October 2011 141
Backup/Restore Configuration File
Using any FTP client, perform the following steps to load default web pages:
1. Type: FTP x.x.x.x (The controller should have a Working IP Address of
Connected to
220 841 FTP Ready
2. Login as guest using the using the network administrator password (administrator).
User ( guest
331 User name okay, need password
Password: administrator
230 Logged in
3. Change directory (cd) to the config directory by typing: cd config.
ftp> cd config
250 CWD command successful
Backing Up/Retrieving
4. To retrieve a backup of a site’s configuration use the get command to get a copy of the
configuration file (config.gal).
ftp> get config.gal
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR (,1576)
226 File sent OK
4. To restore a backup of a site’s configuration use the put command to load a copy of the
configuration file (config.gal) to the site.
ftp> put filename config.gal
Note: The full path of to the file with the filename must be provided. It is OK just
to use the same name with a command like the following:
ftp> put config.gal
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR (,1576)
5. Verify the transfer by a message displayed indicating a successful file transfer.
226 File sent OK