User's Manual

10 MDS 1710A/C and MDS 2710A/C/D MDS 05-3447A01, Rev. F
3.1 Installation Steps
Below are the basic steps for installing the transceiver. In most cases,
these steps alone are sufficient to complete the installation. More
detailed explanations appear at the end of these steps.
1. Mount the transceiver to a stable surface using the brackets supplied
with the radio.
2. Install the antenna and antenna feedline for the station. Preset direc-
tional antennas in the desired direction.
3. Connect the data equipment to the transceiver’s
connector. Use only the required pins for the application—Do not
use a fully pinned (25 conductor) cable. Basic applications may
require only the use of Pin 2 (transmit data—TXD), Pin 3 (Received
Data—RXD) and Pin 7 (signal ground). The radio can be keyed
with the use of the
DATAKEY command.
Additional connections may be required for some installations.
Refer to the complete list of pin functions provided in
Table 4 on
page 14.
4. Measure and install the primary power for the radio. The red wire on
the power cable is the positive lead; the black is negative.
NOTE: Use the radio in negative ground systems only.
5. Set the radio conguration. The transceiver is designed for quick
installation with a minimum of software conguration required in
most cases. The selections that must be made or veried for new
installations are:
Transmit frequency
Receive frequency
The operating frequencies are not set at the factory unless they were
specied at the time of order. Determine the transmit and receive
frequencies to be used, and follow the steps below to program them.
6. Connect a hand-held terminal (HHT) to the
DIAG. connector. When
the HHT beeps, press to receive the ready “>” prompt.
Set the operating frequencies using the TX xxx.xxxxx (transmit) and
RX xxx.xxxxx (receive) commands.
Press after each command. After programming, the HHT
reads PROGRAMMED OK to indicate successful entry.
Set other transceiver parameters as required. A complete list of
transceiver commands is provided in
Section 5.0, TRANSCEIVER