User's Manual

95-00-0-xxx Rev 000 1-3 Control Chief Corporation
The safety guidelines in this manual are not intended to replace any rules or regulations or any
applicable local, state, or federal governing laws. The following information is to be used in
conjunction with all other rules and/or regulations already in existence. It is important to read all
safety information before operating any wireless radio remote control system. The Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) has published a Notice of Safety Advisory 2001-1 (in the
Federal Register, Vol 66, #-31, Pg. 10340) addressing the establishment of recommended
minimal guidelines for the operation of remote control locomotives. A copy of all referenced FRA
regulations can be obtained directly from the FRA or contact Control Chief for help in obtaining
a copy of these regulations.
The term “Remotely Controlled Locomotives” or “Remote Control Locomotives” (RCL) refers to
a locomotive, which, through use of a wireless radio operator control unit and receiver system,
can be operated by a person not physically located at the controls within the confines of the
locomotive cab. The wireless Remote Control Operator (RCO) must exercise extreme caution
and be alert at all times.
Only properly trained persons (certified and qualified in accordance with 49 CFR Part 240, as
conventional operation of a locomotive under the same circumstances would require) should be
operating RCLs. RCLs should not be operated by any person who cannot read or understand
signs, notices and operating instructions that pertain to the locomotive operation.
Any person operating a remote controlled locomotive should possess the following knowledge
and/or skills:
Current certification on methods of safe train handling, operating rules, conditions of
equipment, personal safety practices
Knowledge/training on hazards specific to locomotive operation
Knowledge/training of safety rules for RCLs
Knowledge of the radio transmitter/receiver equipment/system
Knowledge/training on all required inspections and testing
Knowledge on transferring control from one operator to another
Reporting unsafe or unusual operating conditions
Upon going off duty, each RCO should place the RCL in manual operation and properly secure
it and the OCU to prevent unauthorized operation. The recommended practice for OCU security
includes the designation of a dedicated, lockable location for OCU storage, which can have
access controlled to only appropriately trained / knowledgeable personnel.
When operating a RCL, the RCO should NOT:
Ride on a freight car under any circumstances
Mount or dismount moving equipment
Operate any other type of machinery
Stand or walk within the gage of the track or foul the track on which the movement is
When the using the OCU the RCO should always wear a 4-point breakaway vest.
RCOs should ensure that the track is clear and properly aligned ahead of the remotely
controlled movement. Therefore, RCL operations should be operated at restricted speed not to
exceed a speed that will enable stopping the movement within half the range of vision assuring
that all movements are protected.