User Manual

MDS 05-4055A01, Rev. A MDS entraNET 900 System Guide (Preliminary) 25
Invisible place holder
Starting Information Screen—Select this item to
return to the start-up screen. (See “Starting Information
Screen” on Page 23)
Network Configuration—Tools to configure the data
network layer of the transceiver. (See “Network Configuration
Menu” on Page 27)
Radio Configuration—Tools to configure the wireless
(radio) layer of the transceiver. (See “Radio Configuration
Menu” on Page 29)
Serial Gateway Configuration—Tools to configure
COM2 serial port. (See “Serial Data Port Configuration
Menu” on Page 33)
Security Configuration—Tools to configure the secu-
rity services available with the transceiver environment.
Device Information—Top level user-specific and defin-
able parameters, such as unit password. (See “Device Informa-
tion Menu” on Page 25)
Performance Information—Tools to measure the radio
and data layer’s performance of the network.
(See “Performance Information Menu” on Page 45)
Maintenance/Tools—Tools to use configuration files,
change firmware and use Authorization Keys to change major
unit capabilities. (See “Authorization Key —Alter the unit’s
overall capabilities by enabling the built-in resources.
(See “Authorization Keys Menu” on Page 71)” on Page 58)
2.2.3 Configuring Basic Device Parameters
Device Information Menu
Below is the menu/screen that displays basic administrative data on the
unit to which you are connected. It also provides access to some user-
specific parameters such as password and device names.