User Manual

MDS 05-4055A01, Rev. A MDS entraNET 900 System Guide (Preliminary) 97
The reflected power should be less than 10% of the forward power
(2:1 SWR). Higher readings usually indicate problems with the
antenna, feedline or coaxial connectors.
If the reflected power is more than 10%, check the feedline, antenna and
its connectors for damage.
Record the current transmitter power output level, and then set it to
30 dBm for the duration of the test to provide an adequate signal level
for the directional wattmeter.
1. Place a directional wattmeter between the
ANTENNA connector and
the antennas system.
2. Place the transceiver into the Radio Test Mode.
(Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Radio Test>Test Mode>Y>ON)
NOTE: The Test Mode has a 10-minute timer, after which it will
return the transceiver to normal operation. The Radio Test Mode can
be terminated manually.
3. Set the transmitter power to 30 dBm.
(Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Radio Test>Test Mode>
Tx Power Output)
NOTE: The Radio Test Mode RF power setting will not affect the
output level during normal operation.
4. Key the transceiver.
(Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Radio Test>Test Mode>
TxKey> Enable)
User the spacebar to key and unkey the transmitter ON and OFF.
5. Measure the forward and reflected power into the antenna system
and calculate the SWR and power output level. The output should
agree with the programmed value.
(Main Menu>Radio Configuration>RF Power Output)
6. Turn off Radio Test Mode at the Access Point and Remote.
(Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Radio Test>Test Mode>Disable)
End of procedure
4.2.2 Antenna Direction Optimization
The wireless network integrity depends, in a large part, on stable radio
signal levels being received at each end of a data link. In general, signal