User Manual

34 MDS entraNET 900 System Guide (Preliminary) MDS 05-4055A01, Rev. A
Serial Data Port Configuration Screens
Figure 2-14. COM1/2—Serial Gateway Configuration Screen
NOTE: Setting this parameter for COM1 port to Enable prevents access
of the entraNET Management System (MS) through this port.
However, the entraNET MS can still be accessed via Telnet or
browser through the LAN port.
TIP: If you need to restore the COM1 port to support entraNET Man-
agement System services, connect a terminal to the port and enter
an escape sequence to reset it the console mode. (
+++ ENTER)
Status—Enable/Disable the serial data port.
Data Baud Rate—Data rate (payload) for the
COM port
in bits-per-second. [1,200–115,200; 19200]
Configuration—Interface signaling parameters. Data
bits, parity and stop bits.
[7N1, 7E1, 7O1, 8N1, 8E1, 8O1; 8N1]
Flow Control [Com2 Only] (Access
Point Only)
RTS/CTS handshaking between the transceiver and con-
nected device. [Enable, Disable; Disabled]
Seamless Mode— If data buffering is Enabled, the radio
will operate in seamless mode. Data bytes will be sent over
the air as quickly as possible, but the receiver will buffer the
data until enough bytes have arrived to cover worst case gaps
in transmission. The delay introduced by data buffering may
range from 22 to 44 ms, but the radio will not create any gaps
in the output data stream. This mode of operation is required
for protocols such as MODBUS™ that do not allow gaps in
their data transmission. [Enable, Disable; Disabled]
Delimiter— Number of characters that represent the end
of a message (inter-character time-out). A transceiver receiv-
ing data through the serial port will send an end-of-message