User Manual

MDS 05-4055A01, Rev. A MDS entraNET 900 System Guide (Preliminary) 91
The most significant fields are the Packets Dropped, Retries, Retry
Errors, Receive Errors and Lost Carrier Detected. If the data values are
more than 10% of their sent and received counterparts, or the Lost Car-
rier Detected value is greater than a few dozen, there may be trouble
with radio-frequency interference or a radio link of marginal strength.
Look over the RSSI by Zone Screens values (Page 46) for zones that are
more than a couple of dBs (decibels) below the average level, and for
signal level values that are likely to provide marginal service. For
example, the average level is less than –85 dBm during normal condi-
tions with a data rate of 115.2 kbps.
If the RSSI levels in each zone are within a few decibels (dB) of each
other, but less than –85 dBm, then a check should be made of the aiming
of the antenna system and for a satisfactory SWR. Call in a radio tech-
nician to deal with wireless issues. Refer the technician to the RADIO
MEASUREMENTS on Page 96 for information on antenna system
NOTE: For a data rate of 115.2 kbps, the average signal level should
be –77 dBm or stronger.
Serial Port Statistics Menu
(See Serial Data Statistics Menu on Page 36)
This screen provides top-level information on data exchanges between
the unit’s serial ports and the network through the wireless and the
Ethernet (data) layers. These include:
You can use this screen as a barometer of port activity at the data and IP
Diagnostic Tools
(See MAINTENANCE on Page 58)
The radio’s Maintenance menu contains two tools that are especially
useful to network technicians—the Radio Test Menu and the Ping
Utility. The Radio Test selection allows for testing RF operation, while
the Ping Utility can be used to verify reachability to pieces of equipment
connected to the network. This includes entraNET 900 transceivers as
well as user-supplied Ethernet devices.
Ethernet Packet Statistics
Packets received Packets dropped
Packets sent Receive errors
Bytes received Retries
Bytes sent Retry errors
Lost carrier detected
Bytes In On Port xxx Bytes In On Socket xxx
Bytes Out On Port xxx Bytes Out On Socket xxx