User's Manual

34 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. A
Configure SNMPV3
Overview The Mercury transceiver supports SNMP protocol version 3. Version 3
brings a higher level of security to SNMP transactions by requiring user
account name and password authentication as well as encryption of
SNMP packets. The following section describes how SNMPv3 is
implemented on the transceiver and how to configure it for integration
with PulseNET and other network management system software.
SNMPV3 SUPPORT The updated SNMP Agent now supports SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3).
The SNMPv3 protocol introduces Authentication (MD5/SHA-1),
Encryption (DES), the USM User Table, and View-Based Access (refer
to RFC2574 for full details). The SNMP Agent has limited SNMPv3
support in the following areas:
Only MD5 Authentication is supported (no SHA-1). SNMPv3
provides support for MD5 and SHA-1.
Limited USM User Table Manipulation. The SNMP Agent
starts with five default accounts. New accounts can be added
(SNMPv3 adds new accounts by cloning existing ones), but
they will be volatile (will not survive a power-cycle). New
views cannot be configured on the SNMP Agent. Views are
inherited for new accounts from the account that was cloned.
The SNMP Agent uses one password pair (Authentication/Pri-
vacy) for all accounts. This means that when the passwords
change for one user, they change for all users.
SNMPV3 Accounts The following default accounts are available for the SNMP Agent:
enc_mdsadmin-Read/write account using Authentication and Encryption.
auth_mdsadmin-Read/write account using Authentication.
enc_mdsviewer-Read only account using Authentication and Encryption.
auth_mdsviewer-Read only account using Authentication.
def_mdsviewer-Read only account with no Authentication or Encryption.
Context Names The following Context Names are used (refer to RFC2574 for full
Admin accounts is context_a
Viewer accounts is context_v.
All accounts share the same default passwords:
Authentication default password is MDSAuthPwd
Privacy default password is MDSPrivPwd