User's Manual

36 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. A
Passwords are currently managed locally. The local passwords
are Fairport (Auth) and Churchville (Priv). Configuration is
changed to handle the passwords from the Manager. The Man-
ager changes the passwords to Brighton (Auth) and Perinton
(Priv). The radio is then rebooted. After a power-cycle, the radio
uses the passwords stored in flash memory, which are
(Auth) and
Churchville (Priv). The Manager must be re-config-
ured to use these new passwords.
4.4 Use of the Antenna Alignment Tool
The antenna alignment tool* is intended for use with the ODU
Subscriber. The tool provides status and performance indicators and is
intended for use during ODU installation and troubleshooting. The tool
features indicators for Power, Device status (Operational or Alarmed),
Link status, RSSI, and SNR. It is powered by the ODU over the USB
To get started, mount the ODU in the desired location and tighten the
mounting bracket so that it is snug but can still be moved by hand. Plug
the alignment tool into the ODU using the USB cable provided. All of
the LED indicators on the tool will light briefly while the tool powers
up. Check the Power, Device status, and Link status indicators to verify
that they are lit.
If the Device status indicators show that the ODU is Initializing, then
wait up to 1.5 minutes for the ODU to become fully Operational. If the
Link status indicator does not light, then wait for 30 seconds to give the
unit time to scan for a Base Station. If the Link indicator still does not
light, then the ODU may be significantly misaligned, there may be a
problem with the Base Station, or there may be an incorrect
configuration on the Base Station or ODU Subscriber.
*Expected availability: Late 2011
Indicator Activity Meaning
PWR ON Primary power present
Blinking Fast Unit is alarmed
Blinking Slow Unit is intitializing
OFF No primary power
LAN ON LAN detected
Blinking Ethernet traffic
OFF No LAN connected
COM1 Blinking Data traffic
OFF No data traffic