User's Manual

MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual 13
ARQ Window Size - The number of blocks of ARQ data that
can be transmitted without receiving an acknowledgment.
ARQ Block Lifetime - The maximum period, in milliseconds,
that the ARQ block is considered still valid and can be retrans-
ARQ Transmitter Delay - The amount of delay time, in millisec-
onds, at the transmitter.
ARQ Receiver Delay - The amount of delay time, in millisec-
onds, at the receiver. The Receiver Delay taken together with
the Transmitter Delay determines the total ARQ retry timeout.
Use the Configuration - Radio page to set ARQ parameters on the Base
Station. ARQ/HARQ settings are located at the bottom of the page.
Invisible place holder
Figure 9. Configuration—Radio
(ARQ/HARQ Settings)
HARQ Setup
A HARQ Category may be set on the Subscriber. Higher category
numbers provide a higher number of HARQ channels and more bursts
per frame. Therefore, the greatest throughput will be obtained at HARQ
category 4. For more information on HARQ categories, refer to the
WiMAX Forum Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
(PICS), or the IEEE-802.16 Standard, OFDMA Parameters.
Use the
Configuration - Radio page on the Subscriber to set the HARQ
Category value. This value is located at the bottom of the page.