User Manual Part 6

6-18 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1
Managing patients
Move a patient to telemetry monitoring
To discharge a patient from the bedside monitor, but remain on telemetry monitoring,
complete the following procedure:
1. From the multi-patient viewer, click on the patient you want to move. The single
patient viewer displays.
2. From the single patient viewer, click Admit to display the Admit window.
3. Click on the down arrow next to Bed to display a list of available telemetry beds.
4. Choose the bed you want to move the patient to. Be sure to choose a bed name
with an asterisk appended to the name (e.g., ICU4*).
5. Click Move to move the patient to the bed you selected. The message Are you
sure you want to move this patient? displays.
6. Verify you are moving the correct patient:
When this is the patient you want to move, click Yes. This will discharge the
patient from the monitor.
When this is not the patient you want to move, click No to cancel this action
and display the multi-patient viewer.
Move a telemetry patient to a different transmitter
At some time, you may need to replace an admitted patient’s transmitter with a
different transmitter.
Complete the following procedure to start telemetry monitoring using a replacement
1. Exchange the transmitters.
2. From the Admit window, under ECG From, click the down arrow to display a
list of ECG data sources.
3. Choose the TTX ID number matching the TTX ID number label located on the
back of the transmitter.
4. Click Save.
Switching transmitters
If you wish to switch an transmitter while a patient is admitted from a CD Telemetry-
LAN transmitter (Apex S, Apex 5, Apex 3 or CD transmitter) or vice versa, you must
follow this procedure:
Discharge the patient (losing stored data).
Switch transmitters.
Re-admit the patient.
Monitoring will stop if you switch transmitters while a patient is admitted.
Attempting to change the TTX ID number for an admitted telemetry patient at the
CIC Pro center with generate the message Invalid TTX.