User Manual Part 7

9-4 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1
The PRN 50 digital writer and the Direct Digital Writers (DDW) print patient data
(generally referred to as a graph or graph strip). Data can also be printed on a laser
The waveforms graphed and graph speed are controlled in the individual patient’s
Graph Setup tab sheet. Unit defaults for telemetry patients can be set in the CIC
Defaults tab sheet and the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet. Refer to Telemetry unit
defaults on page 4-7 for more information on setting Telemetry Unit Defaults.
Transmitter initiated graphs (manual graphs)
When the Graph button on the transmitter is pressed, a 20-second graph strip is
printed at a speed of 25 millimeters per second and the event is stored in alarm
When an paging system (version II or later) is also available in the same
care unit, pressing the Graph button enables the View on Demand feature (also called
the Apex Graph Button Push feature). The server generates a manually
initiated sample page or snapshot of the patient’s ECG waveform and any other
enabled/monitored non-arrhythmia parameters.
When you press the Graph button on the transmitter, it generates both an
update page as well as a standard ECG waveform graph at the CIC Pro center. The page is labeled Sample when this data is displayed on the
receiver and stored in history. Additionally, all pagers assigned to the patient receive a
Automatic alarm graphs
A graph prints automatically when a patient experiences a Crisis or Warning alarm
condition. Arrhythmia alarm graphs run until the end of the alarm event unless
manually stopped by the user. The printer prints up to 10 seconds of data that
occurred immediately before the event, and prints for the duration of the event. The
printer stops printing when the patient returns to a normal rhythm.
If a printer is not available at the time of the alarm event, a 20-second graph is saved.
This saved graph will print when a printer becomes available.
Graph messages
One of the following messages is displayed on the CIC Pro center screen during
GRAPH ALARM—An alarm graph was initiated and is running.
GRAPH MANUAL—A manual graph was requested and is running.
GRAPH TTX—The Graph button on the transmitter was pressed and a 20-second
graph strip is running.
PRINTING—A non-real time graph is currently being printed.
SAVING—An alarm or a manual graph has been requested but the writer is in use;
the writer door is open; or the writer is out of paper. The graph is being saved until the