User's Manual

Appendix A: Login Administration
Optima XR220amx X-Ray System 54400222-1EN Rev 1 DRAFT 11092010 A-19
Operator Manual © 2010 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Configure Enterprise Tab
The last tab on the EA3 Administration Component is the Enterprise tab. On this tab, you can configure
the properties necessary to make a connection to an Enterprise directory server (i.e. MSAD, Novell, etc.).
The Enterprise Tab is used by the site’s IT (Information Technology) or GE Service personnel. It provides
connectivity to the site’s user database. If you do not have a network established in your hospital or
clinic, this tab will not be used.
Things to consider:
x Utilize the enterprise capability whenever possible.
x Make sure the enterprise groups are granular enough to restrict protocol edit access.
x The inactivity timeout should be turned on.
1. Press [Enterprise].
Figure A-18 Enterprise Tab
The following configurations can be made on the top box of this tab:
x Enable Enterprise Authentication - Whether or not Enterprise users should be able to log in. If this is
unchecked, only local EA3 users will be able to log in. If this is checked, both local users and enter-
prise EA3 users will be able to log in (although the local EA3 user database will always be tried first).
x Cache Enterprise Users - Whether or not Enterprise users should be cached once they successfully
login. If this is checked, then a local record of an Enterprise user is kept. If at any time that user
attempts to login again, and for some reason the Enterprise directory server is not available (i.e. net-
work problems), that user will be granted access if they provide the correct password. If this is
unchecked, then an Enterprise user will be denied access in the case that the Enterprise directory
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