User's Manual

Collision Avoidance System: CAS-CAM/RF® Operating Instructions
Document Number: CAS-CAM_RF Operating Instructions (with FCC
Page 14 of 126
Issue: E
Figure 1: Typical Visibility Map for a Large Haul Truck (QMITAB 1998)
2.2 Performance Capabilities
The key performance capabilities of the CAS-CAM/RF
System are as follows:
Warning to the driver of the Heavy Vehicle when a vehicle, personnel or stationary
object is in the Heavy Vehicle’s path (visual and audible warning when an object is
detected within a programmed detection range)
Warning to the “AT-RISK” personnel / vehicles / equipment in the case of an imminent
collision when the Heavy Vehicle is detected within a programmed detection range
(visual and / or audible warning)
Programmable detection ranges for different object types from 0 80 m (accuracy of
+/-20%). Option for long range operation (typically 200-300m) for haul road crossing
warning light activation by approaching Heavy Vehicle or Heavy Vehicle to Heavy
Vehicle haul road fatigue management ‘wake-up’ alarms.
Improved vision for the driver (i.e. video cameras)
Mechanism for driver acknowledgment of alarms
Reversing Alarm activated when personnel / objects are within the programmed
detection range of the Heavy Vehicle when in the reverse direction (optional)
Default to existing warning system by notifying the driver of the Heavy Vehicle when
the system is not working and automatically activates the traditional reversing alarm
Rugged construction for reliability in mining environments
Reliable operation in adverse environmental conditions (e.g. dust, fog, smoke, hot, cold
and darkness)
System aids and doesn’t inhibit current mine operations
Coded identification of objects within programmed detection range displayed at all
times (i.e. Heavy Vehicle (HV), Light Vehicle (LV), Stationary Object (SO) / Fixed Plant,
Personnel Tag (PT), Test Station (TS))
Data logging capability on all Heavy Vehicles and Light Vehicles for monitoring /
recording system operational performance & logging all anti-collision detections as a
safety audit trail (optional).
Easy integration with existing Mine Fleet Management Systems (e.g. Modular Mining,
Tritronics, WENCO etc) either via the Display Unit serial interface using MODBUS
protocol or via the Expansion Unit RS-485 or CAN interface. This allows the transfer of