User's Manual

Collision Avoidance System: CAS-CAM/RF® Operating Instructions
Document Number: CAS-CAM_RF Operating Instructions (with FCC
Page 71 of 126
Issue: E
A new object detected is highlighted by blinking the text and enabling the audible
alarm (if programmed)
The audible alarm will only silence when either the Operator presses the ‘CONFIRM’
key or when the object originally detected moves out of the Detection Range
Only active detections are shown on the Display Unit screen (i.e. blank Display when
there are no detections)
Alarms are generated on high risk changes only (i.e. new object moves into detection
zone or Heavy Vehicle changes gear)
No alarm is generated when the object moves out of the Detection Range Heavy Vehicle Reverse Mode
Fully programmable detection ranges and audible alarms for different object types (e.g.
HV, LV, SO, PT, TS) based on vehicle gear status (i.e. forward, reverse, park) and
detection location (i.e. front or rear)
Refer to section 7 for more details on HV Alarm Scenarios. Heavy Vehicle Forward Mode
Fully programmable detection ranges and audible alarms for different object types (e.g.
HV, LV, SO, PT, TS) based on vehicle gear status (i.e. forward, reverse, park) and
detection location (i.e. front or rear)
Refer to section 7 for more details on HV Alarm Scenarios. Heavy Vehicle Stationary (neutral) Mode
Fully programmable detection ranges and audible alarms for different object types (e.g.
HV, LV, SO, PT, TS) based on vehicle gear status (i.e. forward, reverse, park) and
detection location (i.e. front or rear)
Refer to section 7 for more details on HV Alarm Scenarios. Operator Confirmation of Alarms
The Heavy Vehicle Operator is encouraged to acknowledge the presence of new objects
detected by visually confirming the object presence in the appropriate camera view and
then pressing the ‘CONFIRM’ key. This action cancels the audible alarm and is logged
along with all detections with time and date stamped into non-volatile memory.
To assist the Operator in the visual confirmation of new CAS-RF
alarms, the Display Unit
can be programmed at the time of installation to automatically switch to either the FRONT
or REAR camera depending on the source of the CAS-RF
alarm (e.g. REAR RF
detections will cause the Display Unit to automatically switch to the REAR camera and
similarly FRONT RF detections will cause the Display Unit to automatically switch to the
FRONT camera).
Camera switching is disabled until alarms are confirmed by pressing the ‘CONFIRM’ key.