Full Product Manual

Remote does not operate your device.
• Makesurethebatteriesarefreshand
installed correctly.
• Aimtheremotedirectlyatyourdevice,andmake
sure that there are no obstructions between the
remote and device.
• Makesureyouselecttheappropriatedeviceon
TV, DVD for DVD, etc.
• Tryprogrammingtheremotewithadifferent
code. See Direct Code Entry section.
• Remotemaynotbecompatiblewithyourdevice.
Remote does not operate some features of
your device.
• Sometimesaparticularcodemightoperateafew
features but not all. Try programming the remote
with a different code from the code list. See Direct
Code Entry section.
• Remotemaynotbeabletooperateallfeatures
of your device or button names may be different
than that of your original remotes.
Care and Maintenance
• Keeptheremoteawayfrommoisture.Ifitgets
wet, remove batteries and dry it immediately.
• Useandstoretheremoteatnormal
household temperatures.
• Useasoft,dampclothtocleantheremote.
• Iftheremoteisnotgoingtobeusedfora
long period of time, remove the batteries
from the remote.
• Handletheremotewithcare.
If you have any questions or would like
additional information please visit our web site
www.jascoproducts.com, or contact our
Technical Support Group at 1-800-654-8483.