
In manufacturing or any 24/7 operation, nothing is more dreaded than downtime. With HID and fluorescent
systems’ shorter lifetimes, you’ll see plenty of it, as more frequent relamping is required. Both systems are
susceptible to catastrophic failure in high-vibration environments, due to fragile glass components. And that
can lead to disruptions and maintenance concerns. While high ceilings will require more fixtures to light the
space, that light can be difficult to control and expensive to maintain.
Contrast that with the Albeo LED Luminaire,
offering three times the life of fluorescents and
six times the life of HIDs, significantly reducing
maintenance and downtime costs. Albeo’s
rugged construction is highly resistant to
vibration and includes no glass components
that can break. Even at 100,000 hours, Albeo
will still deliver ample light at 70 percent of
initial output.
Albeo’s exceptional optical control allows you to aim the light where it’s needed; eliminating waste and
reducing energy consumption by 30 to 65 percent compared to fluorescent and HID systems. Even more,
when you factor in savings from dimming, daylight harvesting, motion sensors and other integrated controls.
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