
Careandcleaningofthedehumidifier. C
Turn offthe dehumidifier and remove the plug from the waft outlet before cleaning.
Grille and Case
Toclean thecase:
Usewoter ond o mild detergent. Do not use
bleoch or obrosives.
Tocleanthe frontgrifle:
Use o vocuum ottochment or brush.
Water Bucket
Everyfew weeks,cleon the bucket to prevent growth
of mold, mildew ond bucteriu. Portiullyfill the bucket
with cleon woter ond odd o little mild detergent.
Swish it oround in the bucket,empty ond rinse.
NOTE:Do not use a dishwasher to clean the
Remove the bucket ond pour out ony woter.
Slidethe bucket into the dehumidifier.
NOTE:Thebucketmustbe in place andsecurely seated
for the dehumidifierto operate.
Air Filter
The air filter behind the front grille should
be checked ond cleoned ot leost every 250 hours
of operotion or more often if necessory.
After 250 hours of operotion, the CleantheFilter
indicotor light will glow to remind you to cleon the
filter. Removethe filter ond cleon it. Replacethe filter
ond press the FilterTimerpod to turn off the Cleanthe
Remove the bucket. Grosp the filter edge, ond pull it
stroight down ond out.
Cleon the filter with worm, soupy woter. Rinse
ond let the filter dry before replocing it.
NOTE:DONOTrinse or put the filter in anautomatic
dirtandlint will clogit andreduceperformance.
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NOTE:Avoidusinga dishwasher to cleanthe filter.